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圖片來源: Curata



iBorn Media 幫您在這個龐大的強大的宣傳媒介找到屬於自己的定位,由專人為您分析,在最合適的社交平台為你進行針對性宣傳,為您找到最合適的定位和客戶群,有效地使廣告訊息成功打入潛在客戶群與目標客戶。



How to develop a cost-effective advertising campaign?

In the era of advances in information technology, people are gradually shifting from using traditional media to online social media.

Photo source: Curata

Social media has grown more influential among general public with the rich information and interactive features. Its vast room for creativity makes it an ideal and effective platform for marketing instead of traditional media.

From the perspective of business owners and advertisers, social media definitely hits the bullseye of attaining the goal of developing cost-effective advertising campaigns According to a marketing research, digital media performs a lot better than the traditional platform in leveraging brand influence. The expenses required, however, are much lower. For example, the advertising value of using Facebook, which is the world’s largest social media platform, is 700% higher than using TV broadcasting channel! Now tell me a reason for not using social media for advertising.

Business opportunities are broad and unlimited on digital media. At the same time the media is constantly evolving. To achieve low cost but high efficiency in your advertising campaign, you will need to select the right platform and adopt the right promotion plan strategically and systematically. If you're struggling to improve visibility online, it's high time to find an advertising agency such as iBorn Media to consult the experts’ opinions on social media campaign development.

Social media is a great place if you are looking to improve your brand awareness. Find your position in this huge and powerful media, analyze and carry out targeted promotions to make brand message communicate successfully with your potential customers.


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