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【#1 Intro to Online Marketing📊】
Are you going strike for your dream but cannot figure out a way to do? It is vital for you to understand online marketing strategies.
【Attention-seeking Neon Light💰📈】
From graphic design to SEM, we have plans to help you! You can attract attention everywhere you go. We are waiting for more opportunities.
【化霓為機 吸引商機💰📈】
[Reform the advertising and marketing methods ]
Having problem on the advertising and marketing methods and need to reform? Or those methods have been broken? Take it east ! You don't have
[How to survive: Helping enterprises to transform]
iBorn hopes to help companies to reallocate resources, reorganize the advertising and marketing methods, recognize the limitations.
[Business Comes to You!]
Are you still looking for your business by cold call? Old school! Do you want business to come to you?
[Today's special: eyeglass chocolate candy and popping candy ]
Let me introduce two selected products in iBorn store to you, eyeglass chocolate candy and popping candy.
[Think out of the box]
You can find a wide range of knick-knack and snacks in a grocery store. Whatever you think of, you can always find things that fulfill your
【Reach out to the right people!】
Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, work from home online is a new normal and adapted in many corporations now. This arrangement pushes...
疫情持續,唔少企業都俾員工在家工作,網上遙控工作自然唔少得。 外出機會少咗,消費模式都轉移至網上購物。點樣可以吸納到呢班目標客戶,令你嘅廣告能夠有效咁喺佢哋面前曝光?
Herbal tea shop = iBorn Media?
What is the key to success for a herbal tea shop? Letting our dear customers to enjoy a bowl of herbal tea in the shop comfortably? Or...
知唔知涼茶舖最重要有啲咩?有支裝涼茶無得堂食得唔得? 唔得!! 咁無支裝涼茶只係得堂食又得唔得? 都唔得! 兩者任擇其一都唔得,因為無咗其中一樣都成唔到大事呀! 涼茶舖嘅支裝涼茶,方便你隨時飲用之餘又可以拎去唔同嘅地方。...
5 Points you should know about female consumer analysis
Gender, age and background are factors that influence consumers. In order to successfully attract target customers, it is necessary to under
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